Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Audacity - Bonus post

Someone asked me today if everything I write on the blog is true. People, is it right to ask a woman whether or not she speaks the truth?  What happened to chivalry? Of course, what I write on the blog is .... what I write on the blog.  Fine, its good to know that some people out there actually read what I write.  Facebook started because Zuckerberg was a sucker-bad conversationalist, so he made himself popular by posting stuff on a wall. Yes.  Posting, stuff on the wall.  Not a loiter-box, I meant a letter-box like most of us were doing at that time, but on the wall and look where that got him - into millions of people and dollars. Me, I categorically state somewhere on the blog that most postings are my take, but someone has to ask me, is what you write on the blog true?

What is truth?  Is it not a matter of perspective?  I would have understood if the questioner asked if I have written about any other people's lives except those lives which relate to my own (and just in case you get ideas and ask that question, the answer is  people, dont push me into a corner, I used to get agitated, ha ha ha!)  I will answer one question, Charles exists, Esther used to.  Thats two questions already and yes, I am in a frivolous mood.  After burying a couple of people who want to live, you realise that anger is a waste of time, most of the time.  Its useless and wasted energy which, if channeled properly, produces fantastic work.

And what is wrong with the Titles?  The reason why the fourthworld has such pathetically few blogs is because writing is difficult, spelling is awful and making sentences that make sense, day in and out is mostly for the loonies called journalists, or writers, or poets. 

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