Monday, October 17, 2011


"Fear is a motivator but a demotivator too. If you surround yourself with people who are unsure of themselves you become that also. It is easy to blame than to take responsibility. Most situations are threats or opportunity and when you open your mind to explore, its amazing what possibilities present themselves. Between a rock and a hard place is a place just like any other. The only thing missing is comfort. Today is one of the best days of your life. You have the power to make it so. Start with a smile then do something that makes you feel good and the rest will fall into place."

Sometime today I will bury a relative.  I am not sure of the exact time because this post, I am pre-scheduling.  Amazing, the number of things one can do and they come out just as planned.  The secret being in the planning. Now in my world, there is more of faith and silly beliefs that you reap where you did not sow. Most people would rather blame fate than take the bull by the horn and do what has to be done.  

I laugh at my son because he is in this 'love' zone where so much of his energy is spent wondering what the lady of his desire and dreams is thinking of. Half the time I am expected to explain what a response means or to help out with what to say next etc. The mood swings are also getting more and more exhausting but you have to endure that, after all, the young man is in love.

Which makes the huge difference between the young men in my world and those in the first world.  While in the first world, you have to try and make your way in life and there are manly ways of doing certain things which one is taught and expected to abide by for life, in my world, there is this tendency among some of the young men to spend the best years of their lives dreaming.  Not dreams of accomplishing much with their lives or becoming something worthwhile but rather, of how many hearts they will break, how many women, young and old they can bed, etcetera.      

Esther's life is over and done with.  My prayer, instead of the prayer for the dead, will be that God grants me enough wisdom to make my time useful, my life worthwhile and a blessing for others so that I care more, respect more, and love more and become a more responsive human being.   Thank you and Goodbye Esther. 

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