Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy & Sad Birthday!

Everyone who has a family or friend who was affected by the 11 September events in America is sad today. I know Maureen and her family think about this a lot. The other time she told me that it was difficult to celebrate the death of someone but she was happy when Osama died. At least for her and a lot of others, there was closure.

I want to wish everyone who was born tomorrow a happy birthday, because I am one such person. Jeff, my father, was a grand (grande - old world charm) man. His wife, Mary, my mother, is still with us. She is my mother, my friend, my mentor and the funny thing is, we have not always gotten along. Had my life not turned upside down, I would never have re-connected with not only my mother, but a lot of other people too. Sometimes having quite a bit of money takes the most important thing from one's life - time to be with loved ones. Everything becomes a five minute appointment and you cannot squeeze in a minute to stop and see a loved one because there is so much to do. Now, when you dont have money, you have time. Unfortunately, when you try to see too much of people with money, they dont want to see you, unless you are in the same league. That is why there are these huge rifts in families. A moneyed mentality cannot understand a poverty one and vise versa.

Please allow me to thank some wonderful women who have made me laugh, cry, shout for joy, weep and hurt when they hurt ... or I did. My dearly beloved and departed best friend and sister, Annah. This woman, she worked hard all her life, and I mean hard. If I am asked to pick out one woman who influenced my life more than everyone else, it would be her. She loved without reserve and she taught me to do the same. My sisters Irene, Margaret, Jennifer and Grace. I'm not getting along well with Grace but I love her. To Maureen, Martha, Madeline, Janet, Memory, Lydia and the rest, thank you. Before Annah died, she gave me this placard which said "I asked God for all things so that I could enjoy life .... I was given life so I could enjoy all things." I understood after.

If you have been lucky enough to be blessed with wonderful women in your life, take a minute to let them know. This has made me feel good. I hope it makes you feel the same. I'm sorry for your loss America. I know what it is like to loose someone you really and truly love.

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