Technology is nice. Let me rephrase that. Technology is fantastic, beautiful, convenient and powerful. I have been experimenting with pre scheduling and post scheduling blog posts. Pre-schedules are better. Why, if you think of something better to write, you can just shift posts. Live publishing is terrific but you get typos and repeat words and and whereas, post scheduling has the danger of talking of events on the wrong dates. Take the example of the American guy who was stranded in was it Estonia or Latvia, ... you know my habit of not checking out every single little detail, yes. Anyway, the point is, I wanted to write about that guy on the blog, then realised that since I wanted to continue in sequenced dating order, it would be very strange for that story to have appeared on the blog before it appeared on the news site where I read it. Its fortunate that my brain was in thinking order because, you know people from my neck of the woods, we act then think ... sometimes. Please dont get me wrong here, my purpose is not to say bad things about life in my world, rather, the opposite. I know that is not the impression I have given so far but that is purely out of anger. So many degreed people going to do menial jobs elsewhere in the world because we cannot get our act right in our own neck of the woods. You think people in my world do not contribute to all these technological advances? Of course they do, but who gets the credit - Steve Jobs. No diss meant here, just stating facts. Now if Steve Jobs had come from this, my fourthworld, our entire world would be getting the credit. Remember how overnight, we were all related to Mr. Obama, especially the day he became the president-elect of the United States of America? Cool.
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