I had a terrific laugh today. Someone has been going all out to try and get information to me and today they succeeded! They are driving. Big news. They have an office. Wonderful news. Maybe they even have a few more toys and gadgets that they have amassed since I last saw them - terrific. I am totally happy for them and I wish them all the best. The reason why I laughed was why on earth its such a big deal for that someone to let me know. The second reason and sorry .. this will hurt .... this is so typical of the mentality I constantly talk about. Some people cannot grow up, or do things for themselves or maybe for their families or better still, for their loved ones. Those are the people one should work hard to impress, not some associates or friends or work mates or colleagues or people you just happen to have associated with along the way. I always gave an example of someone going all out thinking they are making an impression on one end while on the other end, people are laughing at you. Like someone who bought a whole box of chocolates to impress a woman and all those chocolates were distributed to strangers. Or a man texting intimate messages on the phone from one country which are being replied to by another man and everyone who has access to that phone is laughing at the poor man. My advice is, if you get a gadget, or a toy - enjoy it and keep to your circle. The people you think may be impressed or otherwise might actually laugh at you, and that would hurt. The lesson here being enjoy your success and share it with people who value it the same way you do.
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