Agnes : " Hello Judy, Thank you for a great article. I am going to, with your kind permission, reproduce the takeaway section on my blog, and put a link to your own website because I think people in my neck of the woods need this information."
Judy: "Hi Agnes - Thanks for your interest - I would be happy for you to post it. You also might like this one also -
Regards, Judy"
Regards, Judy"
This was before I had done any background information check on Judy. First, here are work Testimonials about Judy.
I am a member of PMPI who attended the luncheon yesterday and was completely thrilled by Judy's presentation on the multigenerational work force. I am a baby boomer who is all too aware of the paradigm shift in our society but I could not quite analyze it so astutely. Thank you for making it clear the need to understand things from a different point of view. Marilyn Matthews, Washington DC Accommodations
Judy Belmont and her skills in managing workplace dynamics is our hidden resource. Judy has assisted us managing the people imperfections effectively, with absolute dignity and to the mutual benefit of both company and employee. With Judy's assistance, we have provided the third dimension for our Human Resource. William Buss Manager, Labor Relations Mack Trucks, Inc.
Judy Belmont's programs have been outstanding and I have been very impressed by the quality and delivery of her presentations. Her excellent performance has been communicated to me by various employees that have participated in the programs. She possesses a strong knowledge base and passion for mental fitness and developing life skills. Her reliability and sincere dedication to her craft is very apparent.
Aldo Cipriotti Program Manager StayWell Health Management
It has become quite evident that Judy is a leader in her field. Clients request her to conduct their training and the students consistently rate her at the highest levels. She has a unique ability to engage her audience and deliver authentic instruction applicable to their workplace.
Pam Klass Penn State Corporate Training Bethlehem, PA
Judy's style of presentation easily generated a spirit of pleasant interaction among the attendees, many of whom did not know each other, and her humor and insight made us wish she could continue the topic well beyond her allotted timeframe. Judy is an excellent speaker, and I hope to attend another of her outstanding seminars very soon.
Patricia E. Infanti, PP, PLS NALS Secretary/Treasurer
Judy has been conducting training workshops for Penn State for several years. Workshops have been for audiences in government, industry and education. Judy is extremely diligent and thoroughly organized . All programs are well developed and delivered in a superb manner.Attendee evaluations of the programs have always awarded Judy the highest accolades.
Lothar Gumberich Management Development Coordinator PENN STATE UNIVERSITY - Lehigh Valley, PA
Judy Belmont and her skills in managing workplace dynamics is our hidden resource. Judy has assisted us managing the people imperfections effectively, with absolute dignity and to the mutual benefit of both company and employee. With Judy's assistance, we have provided the third dimension for our Human Resource. William Buss Manager, Labor Relations Mack Trucks, Inc.
Judy Belmont's programs have been outstanding and I have been very impressed by the quality and delivery of her presentations. Her excellent performance has been communicated to me by various employees that have participated in the programs. She possesses a strong knowledge base and passion for mental fitness and developing life skills. Her reliability and sincere dedication to her craft is very apparent.
Aldo Cipriotti Program Manager StayWell Health Management
It has become quite evident that Judy is a leader in her field. Clients request her to conduct their training and the students consistently rate her at the highest levels. She has a unique ability to engage her audience and deliver authentic instruction applicable to their workplace.
Pam Klass Penn State Corporate Training Bethlehem, PA
Judy's style of presentation easily generated a spirit of pleasant interaction among the attendees, many of whom did not know each other, and her humor and insight made us wish she could continue the topic well beyond her allotted timeframe. Judy is an excellent speaker, and I hope to attend another of her outstanding seminars very soon.
Patricia E. Infanti, PP, PLS NALS Secretary/Treasurer
Judy has been conducting training workshops for Penn State for several years. Workshops have been for audiences in government, industry and education. Judy is extremely diligent and thoroughly organized . All programs are well developed and delivered in a superb manner.Attendee evaluations of the programs have always awarded Judy the highest accolades.
Lothar Gumberich Management Development Coordinator PENN STATE UNIVERSITY - Lehigh Valley, PA
Judy's brief resume.
Judy Belmont, MS, LPC, is a licensed psychotherapist and wellness speaker with over 30 years of experience. She has spoken nationally on a variety of mental health and wellness topics, and is a member of The National Speakers Association. With her insights about the common issues and challenges that people face as a foundation, she has spoken extensively on topics including resiliency, positive thinking, communication and managing stress effectively.
In my neck of the woods, most people do not bother to answer mail. Judy is not just anyone, but someone with 30 years experience, and someone who is good at what she does. If she were in my world, where most women do not even accomplish a tenth of what she has done, it would be retirement, that is if they have not migrated to go and become someone's maid or driver in the first world. Services, education etcetera work most of the time in the firstworld because of people like Judy. They are a source of the best information no textbook can ever hand down, a combination of the book knowledge and real life experience, experience which thankfully, they put down on paper for others to utilise.
Now, I have to do a typical fourthworld action, meet today, beg tomorrow! (sorry Judy!) I am going to request Judy to mention this blog to her friends. Why, so that they tell their friends and hopefully, some day soon, those people will in turn tell their people at home about this blog and the information on this blog will start getting to the intended recipients. We are brilliant in having to channel most things through the first world in order to sort out our own backyards, like the numerous liberation wars, education, hunger alleviation, medical research! Even getting one of our own to wake us up to the possibility of everything being possible had to pass through the first world, talk about Mahatma Gandhi, and lately, our shining beacon of the power of possibility, the very President of the United States of America, Mr. Obama. How beautiful if would be, if one day, the fourthworld said "thank you" to the rest of the world and 'we do not need any more donations'. This said, not because of political pride or misconstrued actions, but because we have turned all the begging bowls into something sustainable and livelihood supporting. To me, we are living in the century of possibility. We have the opportunity to change our minds and change our lives but for that to happen, we should be prepared to work and work hard. I surf the web and research personal development blogs which really help change lives. I take that information and apply it to my own life, and as I see changes, I recommend what works for everyday common people's lives, like mine! That is how I came across Judy Belmont.
Thank you Judy.
Now, I have to do a typical fourthworld action, meet today, beg tomorrow! (sorry Judy!) I am going to request Judy to mention this blog to her friends. Why, so that they tell their friends and hopefully, some day soon, those people will in turn tell their people at home about this blog and the information on this blog will start getting to the intended recipients. We are brilliant in having to channel most things through the first world in order to sort out our own backyards, like the numerous liberation wars, education, hunger alleviation, medical research! Even getting one of our own to wake us up to the possibility of everything being possible had to pass through the first world, talk about Mahatma Gandhi, and lately, our shining beacon of the power of possibility, the very President of the United States of America, Mr. Obama. How beautiful if would be, if one day, the fourthworld said "thank you" to the rest of the world and 'we do not need any more donations'. This said, not because of political pride or misconstrued actions, but because we have turned all the begging bowls into something sustainable and livelihood supporting. To me, we are living in the century of possibility. We have the opportunity to change our minds and change our lives but for that to happen, we should be prepared to work and work hard. I surf the web and research personal development blogs which really help change lives. I take that information and apply it to my own life, and as I see changes, I recommend what works for everyday common people's lives, like mine! That is how I came across Judy Belmont.
Thank you Judy.
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