Is it good to dye your hair? Is it good to diet? Is it good to dress a certain way? At what age is one supposed to become comfortable enough with who or what they are enough to do exactly as they please?
I watched the Miss World 2011 Beauty Pageant and the first thing that struck me was the low budget of the intertainers they chose for the occasion, - a local group from London and a group which did a rendition of a song they co-performed with Sir Elton John. Given, the London group was good but I think they got more mileage out of the event than did the pageant. Impressive to note that most of the beauty queens had a degree or were studying towards getting one and really outstanding the work of the Ghana contestant and her colleague who won a truly deserved award for their work with the children and the deformed. Such young people, such beauty and such a caring and giving heart!
Which reminds me of Dr. Oz and the new virus XM something. Has all, if not the same symptoms as the HIV virus except its not AIDS and 10 million people already in America having it, tests already available on the market at was it US$300 per test? Now look at my neck of the woods, most people do not have US$20 so where on earth would they get the money for a test such as this. If it costs US$300 in the States, at current rates, would mean, cheapest places US$700 in my neck of the woods. Now how many of my people do you see with that kind of money? If its being spoken about on television in the States, chances are a lot of people in my wood will get to know about it maybe some time early next year and by that time, a sizeable number would have died and it would have to be an epidemic first, like bird flue, before one agency or another then gets in with billions of dollars to make sure this is available the people who need it most, but in the meantime, why not let the pharmaceutical companies make their millions and let a few more millions die. After all, life, like death is good business.
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