Saturday, October 1, 2011

After Twenty Nine

"After twenty nine," the twins say "Comes twenty ten".  They say it calmly.  With lots of confidence.  The way most of us think we know something.  Or someone.
Twenty ten, with all its football hype came and went.  I think there was more to the actual build up to the event than the event itself, what with the excuses for the now 'defunct' vuvuzela.  Remember that nooiiiiiiiiiiise maker?  Yes scream and shout all you want but I for one am HAPPY that I do not have to listen to that sound anymore.  Sure, I could not say it at the time because who wants to be the one to say nasties when everyone else 'seems' to be having a good time.  Like when your drunk friend insists on doing the driving and you all keep quiet because you don't want to upset them?  Or when your teenage son is downright rude but you are afraid to tell them to mind their ways because you think their anger is uncontrollable and they might just do something all of you will regret?

I think being a parent  is special.  You hold a very important responsibility to nurture and nourish good habits.  After all, you are your children's hero and heroine for a very long time and what you do each and every given day shapes (to a large extent) what our own children become.  So next time you are in a bad hood, don't blame the hood, blame the parents.  Its people who procreate and produce beings who then make other people's lives miserable because some parent did not do what they were supposed to do.   My kids are far from perfect but you know what, I try very hard, each and every day to make them better human beings.  Some times they emulate, other times, I teach, other times still - they teach ME, yes, my children teach wonderful lessons of selflessness and love with the countless hugs and kisses which I take for granted but without which my life would be a barren life.

There is a twenty ten after twenty nine. 

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