People in this, my fourthworld, go through life drinking other people's cups of tea. The point I am trying to make here is this. Every one of us is a unique creation. Make your space, enjoy your life, learn from your mistakes and move on. Live.
Mr. Napoleon Hill's book was written in 1937. I have enjoyed reading this book and benefited much from it. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but for me, it was. Let me tell you why.
1. The book helped me rekindle faith in myself.
2. Factual writing motivates me because the people's experiences mentioned are real.
3. I am a firm believer of self made millionaires (I will become either a millionaire or billionaire the minute I stop talking and start doing), so the Edisons, Fords etcetera were good company.
4. When certain issues come to the forefront, e.g. witchcraft, self doubt, bad business decisions, failure, loss , debts, its very easy to believe everyone and anyone. You loose yourself, you loose people, you loose what you believe in and if you are not careful, you loose hope, and your dreams.
5. The environment sucks you in and before you know it, you allow yourself to take a place on the quitters bench and you become a very vocal, know it all, has been and cant be done specialist.
6. This is a very comfortable and welcoming bench, because, in this my fourthworld, it always has room for more. I went and sat on that bench. In fact, I took meals with other occupants of this part of my world, whose permanent lot is failure and poverty.
7. I listened to them, saw what they have allowed their lives to become and for a whole while, I became convinced that was my lot.
8. Yet something in me rebelled, it refused, it shouted out and persistently told me that I was made for a better, bountiful and fruitful life.
9. I have been standing in an ocean of water, yet thirsted for a drop of drink. For a year, I have been searching relentlesly for the cup to use to take water from this ocean. In place of the cup, along came Mr. Napoleon Hill.
10. His book presented me with, not just a cup to drink from, but ways and means to dam and own the ocean, so that I can drink and provide drink to others.
11. I have a plan, I have direction and I know how I am going to make my money.
12. No amount of competition, sabotage, betrayal, witchcraft, theft or negatives thrown my way can derail me now because no one can steal my desire, or my motive, or my willpower, or my persistence, or my confidence, or my experience, or my focus, or my self belief, or the absolute conviction that I will make it.
13. That is the capital no money can buy, because, no matter how many times I fall, I WILL get up and do what I have to do, till success has no option but to hand over what is mine.
14. So, people of my fourthworld, we all have this, you, your friend, neighbour, sister, cousin - the stuff that the Bill Gates and Zuckerbergs are made of. Its time to throw caution to the wind and believe in YOURSELF. Go for whatever you dream of because you only have one life. Does it not make sense to make the most of it for you and your loved ones?
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